Torstein Fjermestad


Contact: [email protected]


2018-, Researcher, Hylleraas Centre for Quantum Molecular Sciences (UiO, Norway)

2015-2018, Scientist, Institute of High Performance Computing (Singapore)

2013-2014, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Turin (Italy)

2011-2013, Researcher, Centre for Innovative Natural Gas Processes and Products (inGAP), Department of Chemistry (UiO, Norway)

2010-2011, Visiting Research Scientist, SINTEF Materials and Chemistry, Department of Process Chemistry (Norway)




2010, PhD in Computational Chemistry (ICIQ/URV, Spain) 

2005, MSc in Computational Chemistry (NTNU, Norway) 

Research Project:

Torstein works on the development of MOF-supported catalysts for carbon dioxide reduction