E  D  U  C  A  T  I  O  N

Computational research on Catalysis provides a strong basis on molecular modeling and the thermodynamics and kinetics principles controlling catalytic processes. Since this work is performed with computers, IT tools are thoroughly used. This may include the use of programming languages for developing new software. In addition, nowadays most projects involve interdisciplinary worldwide networks, which provide international exposure and teamwork skills. Dissemination tasks, including talks at conferences and articles in international peer-reviewed journals, foster communication and presentation abilities.

This research is also used as a powerful teaching tool in the BSc and MSc programs in Chemistry and related disciplines. In addition, it can be used in outreach activities engaging a wider audience from the high schools. I used both approaches at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2002-2012). Since 2012, I have been training experimental PhD students in the use of Computational Chemistry thanks to international programs fostering the collaboration between the Universities of Oslo (Norway), Yale (USA) and Berkeley (USA).

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